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Cybersecurity Enablement & Management: A Strategic Shift to Influence and Empower

In an era of unprecedented digital transformation, cybersecurity is no longer just about protection and prevention. It's about enabling and empowering businesses to navigate the digital landscape confidently and securely. In this context, the role of cybersecurity has evolved from being a traditional enforcer to an influential partner, driving business competitiveness and resilience.

The Transformation of Cybersecurity Roles

The cybersecurity landscape is rapidly changing, with threats becoming more sophisticated and persistent. This change has necessitated a shift in the roles and responsibilities of cybersecurity teams. Now, they're no longer just the company's protectors, but also the enablers and influencers, playing a crucial role in delivering business-critical initiatives.

This shift has been due to the increasing integration of digital technologies into the core business operations. Cybersecurity teams are now required to partner across the enterprise, promoting a pragmatic security culture that embeds secure-by-design thinking into all aspects of digital product development, infrastructure, and data.

"The critical need for security teams to move from enforcers to influencers. Rapid digital innovation is now table-stakes for ongoing business competitiveness and resiliency, and cybersecurity teams must adapt."

Embracing Digital Transformation Securely

Digital transformation is reshaping businesses, driving innovation, and creating new operating models. However, this transformation must be embraced securely, ensuring that new capabilities are delivered without compromising the organisation's security posture.

Cybersecurity should be seen as a partner of the business, capable of driving strategic delivery of security services that align with the objectives of business transformation. This includes protecting new digital landscapes, securing new market entries, and enabling organizations to capitalize on transformational business with the speed, scale, and efficiency needed to safely achieve growth goals.

Reimagining Technologies for Enhanced User Experience

In addition to meeting risk reduction needs, businesses need to reimagine technologies to enhance user experience and engage customers. One such example is 'passwordless access', a concept that aims to enable consumers to sign into apps for sensitive transactions without the need for passwords. Achieving this requires a clear understanding of security boundaries, with consumer intent and journeys considered.

"Investments going into protecting versus growing a business should not be seen as mutually exclusive if cybersecurity is to be a business enabler."

Identifying and Managing Risk: A Custom-Fit Approach

Effective cybersecurity is about identifying potential vulnerabilities, prioritizing threats and weaknesses, and managing overarching organizational risks. It's about understanding the company's stand on the Cyber Security Maturity Model and considering its unique priorities. It requires a custom-fit approach for every client, ensuring they're not just covered - they're ahead of the curve.

Approaching Security as a 'Business Enablement' Objective

Many organizations can raise their security maturity levels by approaching security with a business enablement objective. This approach involves reducing unnecessary controls that slow down the deployment of new initiatives and adopting data-driven risk management strategies.

"Security strategies that focus first on business enablement and truly have goals set in business outcomes, organizations, I think, in many cases … will have more success … and increasingly more mature security programs."

Building Cyber Workforce at Scale

Building a cyber workforce at scale is essential for effective cybersecurity management. This involves designing platforms capable of handling large volumes of data, users, and training tasks. Such platforms should be flexible and adaptable, allowing for seamless integration with new types of models, data sources, or training methods.

Opportunities in Remote and Hybrid Work Security

The shift to remote or hybrid work has introduced new security challenges. Securing these new work environments involves building cloud security systems and requires additional staffing to monitor and mitigate threats. Partners can provide customized security solutions or additional IT capacity for customers, helping them secure their shifts to remote or hybrid work.

Bridging the Security Skills Gap with Training and Certifications

As the rate of change in technology outpaces skills development, many IT leaders are concerned about emerging gaps in the skills needed to address current and future threats. This necessitates the development of on-demand training courses on security, compliance, and identity topics. Certifications on security fundamentals, as well as role-based credentials for positions including administrators, analysts, and productivity solutions experts, can help bridge this gap.

Securing the Sale: Leveraging Security in Sales Opportunities

Security can be a key component of sales opportunities, with companies of various sizes looking for someone to govern their data estate, develop a secure remote work plan, or offer threat protection. Partners can leverage comprehensive asset libraries, meeting facilitation videos, role-plays, and security and compliance best practices to secure these sales opportunities.


With many customers reevaluating their security systems and needs, the opportunity is ripe for partners to help them remain current with the latest technology trends. Partners who can navigate the constantly shifting cyber landscape have an opportunity to position their organizations to meet customer needs in a way that their competitors can't. By leveraging a wealth of resources and tools, partners can grow their businesses with Microsoft, helping their customers navigate the digital landscape confidently and securely.

"The critical need for security teams to move from enforcers to influencers. Rapid digital innovation is now table-stakes for ongoing business competitiveness and resiliency, and cybersecurity teams must adapt."

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